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Mom Wars

Oof. H-ll hath no fury like a mom scorned on behalf of her little darling daughter. To be fair, we have no idea of the backstory here. Is Missy an uncontrollable terror who will ruin this sleepover? Is she actually just a pet dog that this mom has got way too attached to?

Mom Wars

We’ll never know, but one thing is totally clear—whoever Missy is, she’s for sure not invited.


We know that some people have expensive tastes and they don’t really like being taken out on cheap dates. In their mind, unless the guy spends a lot of money, he’s not super interested, right?


But on the other hand, if you’re only interested in going out for the money, rather than the company, that’s going to put a lot of people off. We can’t help but be impressed at the boldness here.

Free Loading

Oh wow. H-ll has a special place for those people who offer to pay in exposure. The internet is unfortunately rife with these people, especially when it comes to creative people making a living off of their art.

Free Loading

This person for example thinks she is doing her “friend” a favor by asking her to create some art for her? And offended that she has the gall to charge for her services? Girl, no.

Streaming Dreams

Another day, another example of these sorts of people who just expect other people around them to do the work in life so that they don’t have to.

Streaming Dreams

Take this girl for example. She really wants a Hulu subscription, but she doesn’t want to pay for it. So she asks to use someone else’s without even offering to chip in. Then gets annoyed when they say no! We just can’t get over the audacity of some people.

Copy Cat

Oh good lord. We all know that selling art or any sort of creative outlet on the internet puts you at major risk for plagiarism or fraud. And this poor artist has seen someone else claiming credit for their own work!

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